There is a resurgence of interest in Catholic Saints Books and Bob and Penny were dubbed experts on the Catholic Saints.
We present to you our Most Popular Catholic Saints Books.
Their most popular series on EWTN has been dubbed the Super Saints Series.
These Super Saints are the True Role Models
that you need to present to your family.
Catholic Saints Books
Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church
Bob and Penny have taken 10 of the most powerful Roman Catholic Female Saints in the Church of yesterday and today, and shared them in a way that can be understood by all. They write about these women in their simple and engaging style, which has placed them among the most popular Catholic writers of the day.
Each of these 10 Roman Cathollic Female Saints are Role Models for the faithful of today. Read how they suffered rejection by their peers, discrimination because of sex, and how they rose above all of it to become movers and shakers of the world. There is a common thread, which gave them the strength to go on when others would have backed down -their devotion to the Holy Eucharist and Mother Mary and an unbending commitment to their vows, most especially that of obedience.
Saint Clare of Assisi Sister Moon to Francis’ Brother Sun Foundress of the Poor Clares - Miracle of the Eucharist
Saint Clare of Montefalco Mystic - Read how they found the Crucified Lord and see the means of Crucifixion they found in her heart - Incorrupt Body
Saint Catherine of Siena Doctor of Church - Stigmatist Mystic - brought Papacy back to Rome - Mystically Married to Jesus
Saint Rita of Cascia Role Model for women of every generation - Saint of the Impossible - Incorrrupt Body
Saint Teresa of Avila Reformer of the Carmelites - Doctor of the Church - Mystic - Transverberation of the heart
Saint Bernadette Visionary of Lourdes - Incorrupt body
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Doctor of the Church - Saint of the Little Way - Spends her Heaven doing good on Earth
New chapter on recently proclaimed
Saint Katharine Drexel Saint of the Native and African Americans
Sr. Briege McKenna Healing Ministry
Mother Angelica Foundress - Eternal Word Television Network
WEWN Radio - Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Saints Books
Saints and Other Powerful Men in the Church
Down through the ages, men and women have given their lives to carry out the command of Jesus. Bob and Penny Lord have tracked the lives of 12 men who have said, Yes! to Jesus, and dedicated their lives to that Yes!, some at the cost of their lives. Their biographies parallel the times of crisis in our Church. Bob and Penny have set their sights on the man and the time in which he lived. They have started at the beginning of our infant Church, with one of the greatest adventurers our Faith has ever known, Paul the Apostle, and continued to our present day, ending with a Paul of the Electronic Age, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
They have focus on the problems in the world and the Church at these crucial times in our history, the men the Lord sent to save the world and the Church from destruction, the struggles they encountered along the way, and the ultimate triumph of Jesus through His Powerful Men in the Church.
St. Paul Jesus spoke to him; he converted, and archenemy of the Christians became Apostle to Gentile World
St. Augustine Doctor of the Church - Sinner turned Saint - Read how his mother prayed him to holiness.
St. Francis of Assisi Most like Jesus -lived the Gospel life - Brother Sun - Stigmatist - Founder of Franciscans
St. Anthony Finder of Lost Souls - Great homilist, Mystic, Hammer of Heretics, Miracle of the Eucharist
St. Peregrine The Cancer Saint, Incorrupt body
St. John of the Cross Reformer of Carmelites - Doctor of the Church - Mystic - Poet - Soldier of Christ
St. John Vianney Patron Saint of Parish Priests, had visions of Mother Mary - did battle with the devil.
St. John Bosco Mystic - Visionary - Prophesied these last days - Pied-piper of lost children of the streets.
St. Maxmilian Kolbe - founded Knights of the Immaculata, died as a Martyr in Auschwitz.
Saint Miguel Pro Martyr of Mexico of the 20th century
Blessed Padre Pio Visionary, Stigmatist for 50 yrs, bi-located, perfect confessor, transverberation of the heart.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - First Televangelist - A Prophet of these latter days-maligned and misunderstood.
Catholic Saints Books
Visionaries Mystics and Stigmatists
Read about these Powerful Saints!
Saint Catherine of Bologna Incorrupt body Battles with the Devil - "Be sure, evil spirit, you will not tempt me so openly nor so stealthily without my knowing it" - Page 15
Saint Gemma Galgani Bore the Wounds of Jesus Mystic Levitated to embrace Jesus on the Cross "Look at My Wounds, and learn how to love. Look at this Cross, these Wounds, these Nails - See to what extent I have loved you." Page 332
Saint Martin de Porres Saint of the Slaves - Bi-location - He bi-located from Peru to Turkey to minister to prisoners there - Page 110
Multiplication of food - Raising the dead - A twelve year old boy was miraculously healed by St. Martin's intercession -
Saint Veronica Giuliani Stigmatist - Mystic - Levitated - She was mystically married to Jesus
She suffered for the Redemption of Sinners
"One occasion, when I was dry and desolate and longing for the Lord, I called for Him out loud...At times I seemed to hear Him, but in a way I cannot explain...I felt I was on fire." Page 265
Saint Louis Marie de Montfort
Prophet of the last days
Wrote "True Devotion to Mary" Pope John Paul II's favorite meditation Page 232
Walked from Poitier, France to Rome, Italy, by way of the Holy House of Loreto, barefooted. The Pope gave him the title "Apostolic Missionary and power to grant Plenary Indulgences to the dying. Page 241-243
Saint Rose of Lima - First Saint of the Americas
Mystic - Visions from Hell attacked her day and night. Martin de Porres gave her relief from the visions - He told her "God wills it; that is all." Page 85
She was accused by the Inquisition of witchcraft - Page 89
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque Jesus gave her the promises of the Sacred Heart
She made a vow of perpetual virginity at four-and-a-half years old
Jesus appeared to her during the consecration of the Mass, exposing His Sacred Heart.
"I belong forever to my Beloved; I am forever His slave, His servant, and His creature." Pg 205
Jesus gave her the Devotion to the First Fridays
Jesus gave her the Devotion to the Sacred Heart
Saint Joseph of Cupertino
Flying Saint - Patron of Students
He levitated 12 miles to the Holy House of Loreto
He could feel the Presence of Jesus - Page 141
He exorcised demons - Page 142
He could read men's hearts Page 149
Saint Catherine of Genoa
Jesus reveals Purgatory & Hell - Page 49
She has a conversion - she cries out "No more world; no more sin." - Page 39
She fasted on the Eucharist and water each Advent and Lent - Page 44
Saint Sister Faustina
Jesus gave her the vision of Divine Mercy
Page 427
Jesus dictated the Devotion to Divine Mercy - Page 429
Jesus dictated the Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Page 438
Blessed Dina Bélanger
Mystical Experiences
She had a burning desire for Jesus in the Eucharist - Page 354
Jesus spoke to her in Inner Locutions - Pg 357
"Death rather than defilement" Page 357
"I am giving you the grace of feeling My Presence within you." Page 373
Blessed Brother André
Miracle worker of Montreal
He healed thousands of people in Montreal. He gave full credit to St. Joseph Page 391
He built the Oratory of St. Joseph in Montreal Page 410
He healed hundreds at the College door-Pg 401
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi Mystic-Wife-Mother-Counsel to Popes
She had visions and prophecies from the Seat of Wisdom- Page 299
She prophesied the death of Napoleon to the date - Page 316
She saw in a vision, the imprisonment of Pope Pius VI - Page 295
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
Lily of the Mohawks
First Native American to be Beatified
She was miraculously hidden from the Indians on her escape to Montreal from New York - Page 179
She was accused of having an affair with an Indian brave - Page 185
Miracles began as soon as she died - Page 188
Catholic Saints Books
Martyrs They Died for Christ
"Because of these brave Martyrs, we have a Church today; we have a country today; we have a world today. They gave their lives that our Church may survive, and spread to the four corners of the Earth."
The Irish Martyrs Suffered persecution, famine, Martyrdom and near annihilation for their Faith.
The American Martyrs Knowing they would die, they went to bring the light of Jesus to the New World.
The Mexican Martyrs Martyrs of the 20th century, they died rather than deny the Pope and Mother Church.
The Polish Martyrs Read about the ongoing suffering and Martyrdom, the Poles endured for 51 years.
The English Martyrs They would not compromise their Church, not for the King or the country they dearly loved.
The Martyrs of Auschwitz - Edith Stein Saint - Carmelite Convert - Author - She died for her people.
Maxmilian Kolbe When as a child Our Lady offered him two crowns: purity and martyrdom - he chose both.
Archbishop Oscar Romero Martyred on the Altar.
Saint Joan of Arc - Burned at the stake. and other martyrs
Catholic Saints Books
Saints Maligned Misunderstood and Mistreated
The Lives of the Saints often seem very romantic and idyllic. However, many of our brothers and sisters who have reached the Communion of Saints have paid dearly for the glory the Lord has bestowed on them. Join us as we share in the lives of just some of our Heavenly Family who have suffered greatly, sometimes at the hands of their own families or communities.
Chapters in this book:
Saint Benedict
Father of Western Monasticism &Founder of Benedictines
Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
Lawyer, Founder, Religious Superior & Doctor of the Church
Saint Gerard Majella
Patron of Expectant Mothers
Saint Joan of Arc
Heroine & Co-Patroness of France
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Patroness of Widows, Young girls & the Poor
Saint Basil the Great
Doctor of the Church & Defender of the Faith
Saint Bernardine of Siena
Apostle of Italy & Friar Minor Missionary
Saint Bonaventure
Doctor of the Church & Second Founder of Franciscan Order
Blessed Angela Foligno
Thirteenth Century Mystic & Passionate Lover of Jesus
Saint Peter Claver
Patron Saint of African Slaves
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Doctor of the Church & Last Father of the Early Church
Pope Pius XII
Man of Peace, Prophet, & Protector of Victims of War
Catholic Saints Books
Defenders of the Faith
Saints of the Counter-Reformation
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Soldier - Poet - Mystic - Author Defender of the Faith - Founder of the Society of Jesus
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Along with Saint Francis de Sales she came up with a strict rule of life for herself - caring for her children - visiting the poor and the dying.
Saint Charles Borromeo Hero of the Counter-Reformation Saint of the People - Renounced his possessions - Founder of Seminaries - Archbishop of Milan - Instituted reforms.
Saint Teresa of Avila Doctor of the Church - Reformer of the Carmelites - Mystic - Transverberation of the heart - She turned the dire times of the 16th Century into a time of true reform.
Popes of the Counter-Reformation Saint Pius V - Leo X Hadrian VI - Clement VII - Paul III - Julius III - Marcellus II - Paul IV - Pius IV - Faced the dangers of the time and fought.
Saint Francis de Sales "The measure of love is to love without measure." - Founder of the Visitation Order Doctor of the Church - Patron of Journalists
Saint Vincent de Paul Apostle of Charity-sold into slavery suffered persecution-founded the Daughters of Charity.
Saint Philip Neri Apostle of the Laity - Levitated while saying Mass - Our Lady saved his life - Gift of Prophecy - Bi-located - Liberated those possessed by devil.
Saint Robert Bellarmine Cardinal - Doctor of the Church - Father of the Counter-Refomation
Catholic Saints Books
Journey to Sainthood
Saints who lived for Christ
Blessed Junipero Serra His last ounce of blood shed for the Church, he loved and brought to the Native Americans, he died as he lived, praying for those he was leaving behind.
Saint Frances (Mother) Cabrini Pope Leo XIII told her. "Your mission will be in America to help the Italians and make your country loved." Mother Cabrini said, "Yes!"
Saint Paschal Baylon Proclaimed by Pope Leo XIII Patron of Eucharistic Congresses, he was never ordained a PrieSaint
Saint Leopold Mandic Although he would be considered imperfect today (barely 4' 6") this Saint of Reconciliation brought about consolation and hope to thousands.
Saint Dominic Watchdog of God - He fought the Albigensianist heresy - Our Lady gave him the Rosary with the mandate to spread it to all her children.
Saint Angela Merici I want to become a Saint, because I love Jesus. She had visions of Heaven, of Jesus, as well as the devil. She battled the Protestant Revolt with education.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton A faithful daughter - a loving wife and mother - an obedient Nun - a lover of the Eucharist and Mother Mary - a role model for today
Blessed Frederic Thanks to him, Our Lady of the Cap Shrine became the meeting ground for every kind of physical and moral distress. The sick found healing; sinners were filled with remorse.
Catholic Saints Books
Holy Innocence - The Young and the Saintly
Saint Maria Goretti Saint of Purity and of Youth, and of the 20th century - Role model for chastity in our world today.
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Went into ecstasy. Trained to be a Knight, he chose the most physically and demeaning work.
Saint Margaret of Castello Patron of the Unwanted. Unloved and abandoned by her family, till today, miracles upon miracles come about through her intercession.
Saint Dominic Savio Patron of Youth and Chastity - Student of Saint John Bosco - His motto, "Death but not sin."
Saint Gabriel Possenti Co-Patron of Italian Catholic Youth Like our youth today, struggling with temptations, he chose Jesus and Mary rather than the world.
Saint Rose of Viterbo Incorrupt body - She went among the villagers of Viterbo, feeding their bodies and souls.
Saint Stanislaus Kostka Traded in fame on Earth for everlasting peace and joy in Heaven - a role model for what mankind can be - for all ages and all times.
Saint Philomena Saint of Chastity - Read the heroic story of a young Christian Martyr of the early Church.
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