Miracles of the Eucharist Book 1 Audio
Miracles of the Eucharist Book 1 Audio
Title: Miracles of the Eucharist Book 1
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Narrator: Luz Elena Sandoval-Lord
Publisher: Journeys of Faith
Format: Audiobook mp3 download
3 hours 35 minutes
Miracles of the Eucharist Book 1
Eucharistic Miracles Collection
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Lanciano, 700’s AD - The Heart and Blood of Jesus - the oldest documented Miracle of the Eucharist in the History of the Church - The Host turned into Flesh - the Wine turned in Blood
Offida, 1273 - An amazing account of how Jesus combatted Witchcraft through a Miracle of the Eucharist - The Miracle is protected by 14 locks
Bolsena and Orvieto, 1263 - God takes people from Belgium, Prague and Italy to bring about a Miracle of the Eucharist which brought about the Feast of Corpus Christi - Thomas Aquinas wrote the Liturgy for this Feast
Siena, 1730 - God proves beyond doubt that Jesus is truly Present in the Eucharist we receive at every Mass - Consecrated Hosts have not decayed after 276 years
Cascia, 1300's - The faith of a priest is restored after he is part of a Miracle of the Eucharist in which a Consecrated Host bled on two pages of a breviary, and turned into a profile of Christ
Zaragoza, 1427 - the Host turned into the Infant Jesus and remained in that form for three days.
Bois Seigneur Isaac, 1405 - Our Lord appears bleeding and pleading because of irreverence for the Eucharistic Host.
Avignon, 1433 - The waters parted during a flood to protect the Monstrance containing the Consecrated Hosts - reminiscent of Moses parting the Red Sea.
Blanot 1331, Body and Blood
Turin 1453 Benediction
Cebrero 1300, Faith and Doubt
Daroca 1239, Bleeding Hosts
La Vileuna 1601, Tried by Fire
Erding 1417 Reparation for Sacrilege
Santarem 1200 Light in the Darkness
Bois Seigneur Isaac 1405 Our Lord in Need
Walldurn 1330 The Thorn Crowned Head
Amsterdam 1345 Safe in the Fire
Langenwiese 1400 All Creation Honors Him
Eucharistic Saints and fasters