List of Marian Apparitions of Our Lady

List of Marian Apparitions of Our Lady

List of Marian Apparitions of Our Lady


Where have been our greatest victories? Who really loves you? Who will take care of you if you but reach out and ask for help? If you want to know how much Our Lady loves you, and is there for you, study the Marian Apparitions of Our Lady. Meditate on them. Think about what your needs are. Ask for them. Don't just think about them; get down on your knees and plead for them! Mother Mary is there for you. She listens to you. She has great Friends in high places. If anyone can do it, She can. If anyone will do it, She will.

What we have been saying is simply, when Her children are in danger, Mother Mary, great and loving Mother that She is, comes to give us hope, to protect us from the enemy, to save us. Study the Marian Apparitions of Our Lady  and  you will see Mother Mary comes at the most crucial times in our lives.

For example in Mexico City (Tepeyac Hill), in 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe came, averted holocaust, stopped the merciless sacrifices of innocents to a blood-thirsty pagan god, and created Family.

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - In Paris, in 1830, She came to a little postulant and gave her and us hope for the world - "Come to the foot of the Altar, great graces will be poured out to those who ask for them."

Our Lady of La Salette, in 1846, She wept and prophesied what disaster would come to pass if we did not convert.

Our Lady of Lourdes In Lourdes, in 1858, Mother Mary came and introduced Herself as the Immaculate Conception, affirming Her son - Blessed Pope Pius IX - and his dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which dispelled the heresy of Pantheism.

Our Lady of Pontmain - In Pontmain, in 1871, She came and ended the Franco-Prussian War; She gave us hope.
In Knock, in 1879, although She said nothing, She spoke volumes: Protect the Eucharist. If you destroy the Eucharist; you destroy the Church. Protect the Word, which is in danger. If you destroy the Word, you destroy the Church. Protect the family; if you destroy the family, you destroy the Church, you destroy the world.

Our Lady of Fatima - In Fatima, in 1917, Our Lady warned that unless we convert, Russia would take over the world. And but for Her precious son, Pope John Paul II, this growling bear would have done just that. In Fatima, She warned us that unless we change, many souls would be lost; and that unless we pray and sacrifice many would go to hell. Did we listen?

Our Lady of Beauraing - In Beauraing, Belgium, in 1932, Mary asked the children, "Do you love my Son?" To which they responded "Yes!" She then asked, "Do you love Me?" Again they responded "Yes!" She turned to them and said, "Then sacrifice yourself for Me." Our Lady was telling us to sacrifice, because She knew that it is only through prayer, fasting and sacrifice can we overcome the onslaught of the devil and his cohorts. Twelve days after Our Lady said good-bye to the children in Beauraing, Our Lady came to Banneux, fifty miles from where She appeared to the children in Beauraing. Our Lady came and pleaded: "Believe in Me and I will believe in you." Our Lady, 16 years after Fatima, appeared in Belgium and again warned us. Did we listen? Do we listen?
Mother Mary went to Belgium and warned us; and in less than a month, the path to total world domination was paved. The world had not listened to Mother Mary and the table of contents of the devil's book to hell was getting near full. Hitler became chancellor to Germany and began his conquest or scorch campaign. World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars, and here it was, and another World War was on the horizon. World War II was upon us, before we knew it. Everything moved so fast. People were not praying, not yet. They thought the answer was accommodation and compromise. Powerful countries compromised smaller nations. After all, it was not them. The enemy was not threatening them. All of a sudden, it was their turn. Did we then go down on our knees?

When the Lord comes, people will be so busy running to the malls, trying to buy up happiness, they will miss Him and His salvation completely. Is that why Mother Mary keeps on appearing? These Marian Apparitions of Our Lady continue to weave a pattern of salvation if heeded or destruction if not. We do no listen!  

Will you study the Marian Apparitions of Our Lady?
Will you listen and respond?
Pray the Rosary!


Below is our List of
Marian Apparitions of Our Lady


Our Lady of Akita

Our Lady of Altotting

Our Lady of Banneux

Our Lady of Beauraing

Our Lady of the Cape

Our Lady of Czestochowa

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Knock

Our Lady of La Salette

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Laus

Our Lady of Loreto and the Holy House

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of Ocotlan

Our Lady of Peace La Conquistadora NM

Our Lady of Pilar

Our Lady of Pompei

Our Lady of Pontmain

Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady of Tears

Our Lady of Siuliai - Lithuania

Our Lady Gate of Dawn  - Lithuania


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