Catholic Saints Books

Catholic Saints Books


catholic saints books 

Bob and Penny Lord  dedicated their lives
 to exposing the beautiful and
Faith filled lives of the Catholic Saints.

These Catholic Saints books bring to you True Role Models

that you need to present to your family.
Learn the Secret to Holiness discovered
by the Roman Catholic Saints

Bob and Penny Lord discovered one of the Secrets of the Roman Catholic Saints was they studied the lives of other Saints before them.  Over and over they found a connection between Holiness and the Catholic Saints.

Now is the time to Study the Roman Catholic Saints Books
If there was ever a time when we need True Role Models, it is now. The Roman Catholic Saints are the true role models we need. We do not need the role models presented to us by the secular world we now live in.  Learn about the lives of these true role models for all of us - the Roman Catholic Saints. 


List of Catholic Saints Books
Click Image or Link for more details

Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church

Saints and Other Powerful Men in the Church


Visionaries, Mystics and Stigmatists


Saints – Maligned Misunderstood and Mistreated



Catholic Saints books

Martyrs They Died for Christ



Catholic Saints Books
Journey to Sainthood



Catholic Saints books

Holy Innocence



Catholic Saints books Defenders of the Faith

Defenders of the Faith



Catholic Saints books Popes

Heroes Popes in Hard Times


Related Links: 
Watch Lives of the Saints on Demand

List of Catholic Saints DVDs