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AAA Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church Set of 7 Video Downloads Discounted Bundle

AAA Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church Set of 7 Video Downloads Discounted Bundle

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Title: Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Publisher: Journeys of Faith
Format: MP4 Video Downloads - 7

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Bob and Penny have taken 7 of the most powerful Roman Catholic Female Saints in the Church of yesterday and today, and shared them in a way that can be understood by all. They write about these women in their simple and engaging style, which has placed them among the most popular Catholic writers of the day.
Each of these 7 Roman Catholic Female Saints are Role Models for the faithful of today.  Read how they suffered rejection by their peers, discrimination because of sex, and how they rose above all of it to become movers and shakers of the world.  There is a common thread, which gave them the strength to go on when others would have backed down -their devotion to the Holy Eucharist and Mother Mary and an unbending commitment to their vows, most especially that of obedience.

D122 Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Doctor of the Church - Saint of the Little Way - Spends her Heaven doing good on Earth

D124 Saint Catherine of Siena Doctor of Church - Stigmatist Mystic - brought Papacy back to Rome - Mystically Married to Jesus

D128 Saint Rita of Cascia Role Model for women of every generation - Saint of the Impossible - Incorrrupt Body

D131 Saint Clare of Montefalco Mystic - Read how they found the Crucified Lord and see the means of Crucifixion they found in her heart - Incorrupt Body

D133 Saint Clare of Assisi Sister Moon to Francis’ Brother Sun Foundress of the Poor Clares - Miracle of the Eucharist

D141  Saint Bernadette Visionary of Lourdes - Incorrupt body

D143 Saint Teresa of Avila Reformer of the Carmelites - Doctor of the Church - Mystic - Transverberation of the heart

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