Title:Ā Defenders of the Faith Audiobook
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Publisher: Journeys of Faith
Format:Ā mp3 download
4 hours 44 minutes
Saint Ignatius of LoyolaĀ Soldier - Poet - Mystic - Author Defender of the Faith - Founder of the Society of Jesus
Saint Jane Frances de ChantalĀ Along with Saint Francis de Sales she came up with a strict rule of life for herself - caring for her children - visiting the poor and the dying.
Saint Charles BorromeoĀ Hero of the Counter-Reformation Saint of the People - Renounced his possessions - Founder of Seminaries - Archbishop of Milan - Instituted reforms.
Saint Teresa of AvilaĀ Doctor of the Church - Reformer of the Carmelites - Mystic - Transverberation of the heart - She turned the dire times of the 16th Century into a time of true reform.
Popes of the Counter-ReformationĀ Saint Pius V - Leo X Hadrian VI - Clement VII - Paul III - Julius III - Marcellus IIĀ -Ā Paul IV - Pius IV - Faced the dangers of the time and fought.
Saint Francis de SalesĀ "The measure of love is to love without measure."Ā - Founder of the Visitation Order Doctor of the Church - Patron of Journalists
Saint Vincent de PaulĀ Apostle of Charity-sold into slavery suffered persecution-founded the Daughters of Charity.
Saint Philip NeriĀ Apostle of the Laity - Levitated while saying Mass - Our Lady saved his life - Gift of Prophecy - Bi-located - Liberated those possessed by devil.
Saint Robert BellarmineĀ Cardinal - Doctor of the Church - Father of the Counter-Refomation