Father Michael McGivney Founder Knights of Columbus DVD
Father Michael McGivney Founder Knights of Columbus DVD
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Title: Father Michael McGivney Founder of the Knights of Columbus
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Publisher: Journeys of Faith
Format: DVD Worldwide use Digital Video Disc
30 minutes
Servant of God - Founder of the Knights of Columbus
A Parish Priest
Join us as we share the life of this very special Servant of God, whose greatest goal in life was to be a Parish Priest. Out of his love for his flock, the Lord inspired him to found the Knights of Columbus, an organization originally created to help families cope with the loss of their husbands and father.
Interview with Archbishop Henry Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford, CT, who shares in depth the life and spirituality of Fr McGivney, Parish Priest.
Insights on the effect of the life and works of Fr. McGivney on the 1.7 million members of the Knights of Columbus worldwide by Peter Sonski, Director of Public Relations - Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CT.
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